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Best APY
1318.55 %OKX logo OKX Dual Investment
1 day
2324.12 %OKX logo OKX Dual Investment
1 day
3500 %Bybit logo Bybit Savings 3 days
4100 %HTX logo HTX Savings 7 days
5130.71 %Binance logo Binance Dual Investment
3 days
6100 %Poloniex logo Poloniex Savings 7 days
7104.12 %Binance logo Binance Dual Investment
3 days
8175.92 %OKX logo OKX Dual Investment
1 day
9100 %HTX logo HTX Savings 7 days
1018 %Bitrue logo Bitrue Savings Flexible
11133.9 %Binance logo Binance Dual Investment
3 days
12149.98 %Binance logo Binance Dual Investment
3 days
13100 %HTX logo HTX Savings 7 days
14100 %Poloniex logo Poloniex Savings 7 days
16100 %HTX logo HTX Savings 7 days
17355.45 %OKX logo OKX Dual Investment
1 day
1869.98 %Binance logo Binance Dual Investment
3 days
194.38 logo Lending Flexible
2010 %Nexo logo Nexo Lending 30 days
217.5 %HTX logo HTX Savings Flexible
22163.9 %OKX logo OKX Dual Investment
1 day
2317.39 %WhiteBIT logo WhiteBIT Lending 360 days
248 %Bitrue logo Bitrue Savings Flexible
25241.06 %OKX logo OKX Dual Investment
1 day
26100 %HTX logo HTX Savings 7 days

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