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Ivan on Tech

522,000 Abonnés 👀 27,100,000 vues 955 vidéos

This channel is all about cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology

Collaborations and Business: https://jzp67fxmgab.typeform.com/to/JwuKL0Oe

OBS! I never reach out on Telegram with business proposals! If you've been contacted by me on Telegram - A SCAMMER IS TRYING TO ROB YOU! My Telegram handle is @ivanontech and I never use it for business requests.

All other handles are scammers, don't trust anyone.

Sometimes scammers spoof our emails and send emails that look like they are from us, never trust anyone who wrote to you on Telegram.

Scammer sometimes send photoshopped pictures that look like my passport, never trust anyone sending my passport.

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